Positive Mindset For The Win.


Personally, I try to have a positive mind-set as often as possible. Surprisingly, I have found throughout my adult life that some people don’t like to be confronted with a truly positive outlook. People can make you feel naïve for thinking good things will happen, “if you just believe”. But if you don’t believe, no one else ever will, right? You have to be kind to you, play to your strengths, work with people who support you, and keep on keeping on with a sunny disposition.

Of course, we all have our down days. When that pesky devil that sits on our shoulder dominates. If you listen, it can throw you into a downward spiral that can take weeks to rise up from.

Even the most outwardly positive people can have a crisis of confidence, the (often irrational) fear of not being good enough, or the joy destroyer that is constant comparison. These are all things that can crush a business before it’s even begun.  

We often think our biggest limitation is lack of money, but I believe mind-set can be one of your biggest assets. Working on building a positive mindset is something that every business owner should actively do. Make it a habit to build the confidence muscles like you would any other.

Business and design is all about problem solving, moving forward and entering new unknown territory. Stepping way out of our comfort zones. When we approach these daunting and challenging tasks, with open expectations, keeping in the present moment, this is when the real growth and progress will be visible.

Plus, it will make the whole process more enjoyable. Positivity breeds more positivity and it attracts people like magnets, wanting to soaking up some of those infectious vibes. I will always be a believer in positive thinking, it helps to guide us through.

Put out what you want to receive and let your vibe attract your tribe.  

Are you ready to take action? If you need some encouragement or a chat with someone who GETS IT, email me at hello@lottiewoodsdesign.com.

Love, Lottie xx


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