Designer Top Tip…Trust Your Instincts

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Your brand becomes your baby and naturally, sometimes, you will have to make some tough decisions. Whether you are deciding between two fabrics, prints for production, final design details, selecting a factory to work with, the list goes on. As a business owner and visionary of your own brand, my advice is, if your instincts are telling you something, listen to them.

Of course, I would always recommend doing your research or asking for advice, but ultimately the final decision has to come from you, and learning to listen to those instincts is a skill worth nurturing. Plus, following your gut feelings enables your brand to stay authentic to your own unique vision. It is too easy to feel self-doubt in your ideas, it’s time to start believing in yourself, your capabilities and your instincts when it comes to who you can trust and what ideas to pursue!

If there is a product that you really believe in, chances are you may have to rationalise your ideas to other people along the way, this will be much easier if you have a strong vision and belief in what you are doing. Factories may want to simplify a design or ask you to change details. Get a feel for if they are giving you good suggestions, or they are trying to take short cuts, this can happen.

Sometimes you can see potential where others can’t, just yet. Learn when it is good to stick to your guns and when to let an idea pass by until a later date, if something really isn’t working. Letting ideas go is also all about following your instincts. Trust me it is a learning process about how to get the best out of everyone around you and building trust both ways.

After years of working in the industry I know this to be a really key tip, you have full permission to be the leader in your own brand and build that confidence up to get others to see your vision. Always be polite to the people you are working with, but also firm when needed to make sure you are happy with the final product.

Love, Lottie xx


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