Two Things You Need To Get Started:

  1. Get Inspired

What gets your heart racing and your eyes bulging? Start collecting images that you love, they don’t just have to be of garments you like, it can be films you love, celebrities you admire. Anything thats generate a mood. Collect colour palette inspiration, fabrics you found, maybe you are inspired by some old family photos. All are great places to start.

Immerse yourself with things that are personal to you to influence your brands design aesthetic.

All of this information will help you reach a fully realised brand identity and clothing to match. making you stand out from the crowd.

Plus it really helps us designers better understand your vision and get just as excited to work on your ideas.

2. Who’s Your Customer?

Get to know your target customer – like inside out.

Ask questions and know the answers - How old are they, where do they shop, what do they do for fun, how often do they buy, what’s their favourite playlist?

You get the gist, get to know them like you would a friend. Empathise with their struggles. Immerse yourself in their daily lives. Know what is important to them. What do they need?

Really pin this down, as knowing them well will influence every decision you make.

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